Lesley Pazdzioch.com

A Promise Fulfilled:

My Mission To Teach and Inspire

Interview With Lesley Pazdzioch

I want to take a few moments and introduce myself. Hello, my name is Lesley Pazdzioch, I was born in California, and currently living in the beautiful state of Colorado. I am a first-generation High School and College Graduate majoring in Sociology and Psychology. I have two adult daughters, one adult son, and two beautiful grandchildren who are siblings, and both are left-handed like me! Yay..

A few of my passions are Visual and Cultural Art historical sights and architecture. I find serenity in nature and water elements. I have a soft heart and a deeply rooted passion for the welfare of children and the elderly members of the world.

I founded Inspiring Creative Insight, Living from the Inside Out, an educational learning platform, and the Host of the Life Made Easier Podcast.

What inspired you to start your business, and how did you choose your specific focus in the wellness industry?

Honestly, it was a promise I made to God and the Holy Divine. One night, I was lying on the floor in front of my fireplace trying my hardest to learn the mediation practices they directed me toward, and I was struggling greatly.

Frustration was at its peak and in tears, I said, “God and the entire Holy Divine, I know you are here, and our connection is real. I am struggling greatly with this process. So, if you need me to stay here in this lifetime and teach others what I have done and why, I need you to help me find my way. In return, I will teach others how to accomplish healing and gain a genuine connection with you.    And so our journey began, together!

I have to admit, it took quite a while for me to believe it was real, and then get comfortable with the connection. Now, they are my best friends! I trust them with my life because they saved my life. Just like any other relationship, it requires working on it daily, making compromises, and being willing to listen from within myself. The most difficult challenge has been learning to feel again, opening up my heart has been the biggest challenge by far.

What challenges have you faced while growing your business,? How have you overcome them? Great question; Honestly, allowing or finding a way to “feel” again. Feelings are the fundamental aspect of our existence. They are how we make choices and decisions, find meaning in our experiences, and the means to find open lines of communication with our Divine guidance. From there craft the most positive approach to life in the challenging situations and circumstances others struggle. I refuse to look backward for any other reason than a glance to see how far I have come. I know the only way to healing happens when looking forward. To learn more register to attend a Masterclass. I look forward to meeting you, soon!

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in wellness coaching or holistic health?

To serve others always from a place of unconditional love, and limitless compassion with an open heart and mind. Allow every individual to choose their unique path. Our responsibility as holistic practitioners is to gently guide individuals along their chosen path not create their path or take them down our own.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

Remember; we are all uniquely made individuals on a soulful mission and life purpose. There are five specific things given to us to guarantee our success;

  • Free-will
  • Specific gifts and talents
  • Innate sensory system
  • Emotions
  • Divine guidance

Life is a gift given to us to grow our souls.

The progress we make adds to the collective consciousness, as well as any harm we cause. To become the best version of ourselves Living from the Inside Out, the inner knowing is up to each individual to determine. What meaning do they want to apply to the life given? Achieve during their time here? Far too often we fall into unified conformity to be accepted. We follow one another like schools of fish or children playing Simon Says or result to people-please to fit in. When in reality we are all here as unique creations having our inner light to shine. These actions keep us from the blissful lives we are meant to be living. Crafting our path, using free will to make choices and decisions from within, what our personal beliefs and truths are for ourselves, from within ourselves, disallowing the external influences, and opinions of others, to dictate our lives.

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and research in the wellness and coaching fields?

First, I do not follow trends. I am very selective in what I allow to influence my life. If I like something, agree with it, or feel comfortable and safe enough to let it into my life, I do. If not, I process the information and make a choice based on what is in my best interest and adds value to my life. I avoid conflict at all costs, except for, when it involves standing up for myself and my beliefs. I just ask from within, it’s much easier for me this way.

As far as research, I am a lifelong learner. Education is a solid means of personal empowerment. With that said, I have to be honest here, whatever I need to know, have, or do, I ask and then listen waiting to shown the way.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

My greatest career achievement thus far is the same as my greatest personal achievement finding my path to God and the Holy Divine. Without them, I would not be here. Now, I just want the world to know the magic and wonder this brings and teach it to all who what to learn how! This will make my heart happy and all the pain and suffering I went through to learn it, worth it in the end! Life is so much easier than we could have imagined and you don’t have to suffer to get it.

There is a pilot program, now being released in an online course and mentoring program I have put together. You can learn more by visiting here. Discovering; “God is not vengeful!” The love and patience I have been shown over the past 7 years is beyond explanation and comprehension. It is the purest form imaginable! This relationship is the most beautiful aspect of life aside from the gift of life itself. It’s why we are here. To experience the greatest things offered as a human being, safely in Divine loving guidance and protection.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

Having a complete mental and emotional breakdown within myself, leaving me as if I were age 5 and having to rebuild myself and my life completely alone. However, now I realize I was never alone! There was a significant reason and purposeful meaning behind the most devastating and frightening time of my life. It gave me a second chance to live the life I was meant to be living. The honor and privilege to teach these same principles to others so they too can achieve what I have humbly been gifted. I don’t understand it all but I am determined to be of valuable service to the world sharing the blessings.

What are your future goals for your business, and how do you envision its growth in the coming years?

God and the Holy Divine told me to “dream big” so big it scares me. So here it is, to build the largest online platform for individuals around the world from all nations, faiths, cultures, belief systems, and religions, in order to, share their knowledge and experiences while being shown respectful treatment by those who care to listen. I know for certain that, combined holds valuable wisdom, and when this realization comes, all the endless treasures are to be found. Gifts are being given, hidden gems in plain sight holding the very keys unlocking the success of humanity. Every culture, community, race, religion, the very things creating wars and social injustices, hold a significant piece to the puzzle of everlasting life. My hope is by coming together in my little piece of the world a ripple effect will be the catalyst for such a change.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and visit my website.  Original interview content was created during the selection process with Brainz Magazine.

About the Author

Lesley Pazdzioch is a lover of life and humanity.  She believes in the power of Divinity within, created to guide us along our chosen life path. By supporting the uniqueness of every individual and understanding it by observing without judgment and criticism, we gain greater clarity into ourselves and discover our purpose in this lifetime.

The key to lasting happiness is finding our balance through inner peace and harmony rather than depending solely on external sources. Embracing inner balance allows the Divinity within to bring positive experiences into our lives and encourages letting go of negative behaviors and influences. Building trust and confidence in ourselves, and paying attention to our intuition is essential for recognizing divine connection guiding the correct steps forward along our unique journey in life.

“Living from the Inside Out”



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