Lesley Pazdzioch.com

Fall in Love with Your Inner-Self this October


Welcome to October!  For me, this is the official beginning of the Fall Season. Living in Colorado offers 5 fall seasons.  The elevation variation provides 5 – opportunities to get out and enjoy the natural progress of the changing seasons.  And what better way to welcome this year’s Fall Season, than from within?  The fall season has so much to offer and by the time you finish reading this, you will begin to see why fall is one of my four favorite seasons! Who knows maybe, just maybe, you might begin to fall yourself from within! With yourself!

Welcome the New As every season ends, and the new begins, there is always something to be grateful for while welcoming in the new.  I love the fall so much because of the awe-inspiring beauty in the rapid changes of the outer environments.  Once lush and green with vibrant fragrant flowers, it is now beginning to change, in the most spectacular ways! Embrace Change The once-green leaves are now bursting with vibrant reds, oranges, browns, and yellow colors.  As the cool crisp breeze rustles the leaves on the ground, there is no mistaking the distinct aroma only fall can bring.   From the smell of wood burning in fireplaces on chilly nights to the fresh fragrance of falling rain captivating our attention as we sit quietly and listen as if trying to hear the unique sound each drop makes, individually. A rhythmical pattern is found in the natural dance as each drop follows the other.   Sensing and Feeling Whether you dress with layers and jeans or bundle up in your favorite soft sweater and leggings, sipping a warm beverage, or enjoying that long-awaited bowl of warm soup, stew, or chili that has been slowly cooking on the stove all day.  The feelings within are still the same, a sense of overwhelming warmth and coziness can always be found.  Our physical bodies are one the most complex systems in all living forms.  Enjoying the wonderful gifts given makes all the difference in just existing and truly living your fullest life, “Living from the Inside Out” Within the physical body are more than 125 sensory systems continuously taking information beyond the basic 5-physical senses, and automatically process the data based on our life experiences form this point as well our thoughts, feelings, and desires internally. Most often information from the 5 senses is those we base choices and decisions, and this leaves external environments creating our life experiences. By going within ourselves we then gain more accurate assessments leading to our greatest benefits and life experiences.  Falling in Love with Yourself This is how you begin falling in love with yourself! Finding those moments in life to enjoy the beauty in the simplicity of life brings comfort, joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. These sensations are the foundations, the very essence for the creation of inner peace and harmony allowing life to be in balance.  Simply take notice of those times, situations, and things surrounding you to find inner peace and harmony and bring in the balance. Add a pinch of Gratitude, and a dash of appreciation into the mix and you have the perfect combination for the life you are meant to be living.  There is so much to be found in what is presently being given in every moment. Take time to just be in the moment and breathe. Having the ability to see the wonder and possibility of finding gratitude and appreciation in your environment even though and especially in the largest change in the never-ending seasons along this journey we call life! To learn how to begin “Living from the Inside Out” I invite you to register and join me in a “Masterclass”  where I can teach you to greater lengths having a focus on you; exploring and deepening your awareness allowing for greater spiritual growth.  Your worth is greater than gold!  

About the Author

Lesley Pazdzioch is a lover of life and humanity.  She believes in the power of Divinity within, created to guide us along our chosen life path. By supporting the uniqueness of every individual and understanding it by observing without judgment and criticism, we gain greater clarity into ourselves and discover our purpose in this lifetime.

The key to lasting happiness is finding our balance through inner peace and harmony rather than depending solely on external sources. Embracing inner balance allows the Divinity within to bring positive experiences into our lives and encourages letting go of negative behaviors and influences. Building trust and confidence in ourselves, and paying attention to our intuition is essential for recognizing divine connection guiding the correct steps forward along our unique journey in life.

“Living from the Inside Out”

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